After searching over the internet for "Engineering Equation Solver EES package for Excel", I came through some other alternatives for Engineering Equations Solver thermodynamic properties calculator:
RefProp: Open source (free)
CoolProp: Open source (free)
XProps: Commercial package
1. CoolProp
Download the package (zipped file) from the following link
1.1. Installation in Excel:
Unpack the zip file you downloaded to any folder on your hard disk "New folder"
Open "New folder\dist_temp\windows_superpack\Excel and DLL" and copy its contents
Create a folder in your partition C: "C:\CoolProp". It should be placed in C: partition even if it is not your system (default) partition.
Paste the copied files to the folder "CoolProp" you have created
Copy CoolProp.xlam to the default directory of Excel add-ins. To know the default directory of Excel add-ins in your PC, just create a new book and save it as Excel add-in file (*.xlam). Copy the address and discard saving this file.
Open Excel options and select add-Ins
Press "Go..." button shown highlighted by the red box in the image above and you will get a window like below. Check the "CoolProp" add-In so it will be automatically loaded each time you open excel.
It is done...
This is a demo after installation of add-in (see equation in equation bar). You can use cell references instead of direct values for sure.
and this is a snapshot after I have implemented this add-in in my Ref Analysis add-in
1.2. Comparison with EES:
1.2.1 Fluid properties
For real fluids the following are the available properties in EES and CoolProp (units displayed are as displayed in EES):
1.2.2 Reference state
The reference state used in CoolProp is International Institute of Refrigeration IIR reference which assumes that the specific enthalpy of saturated liquid fluid Q=0 at 0 C equals 200 kJ/kg and the specific entropy at the same conditions equals 1 kJ/kg.K . From the other side EES uses three reference states IIR, Normal Boiling Point NBP, and ASHRAE, but they can be manually-correlated by adding constants in CoolProp.
1.2.3 Properties abbreviations (names) in CoolProp
Later, I will update this post and illustrate the notations, units.
RefProp: Open source (free)
CoolProp: Open source (free)
XProps: Commercial package
1. CoolProp
Download the package (zipped file) from the following link
1.1. Installation in Excel:
Unpack the zip file you downloaded to any folder on your hard disk "New folder"
Open "New folder\dist_temp\windows_superpack\Excel and DLL" and copy its contents
Create a folder in your partition C: "C:\CoolProp". It should be placed in C: partition even if it is not your system (default) partition.
Paste the copied files to the folder "CoolProp" you have created
Copy CoolProp.xlam to the default directory of Excel add-ins. To know the default directory of Excel add-ins in your PC, just create a new book and save it as Excel add-in file (*.xlam). Copy the address and discard saving this file.
Open Excel options and select add-Ins
Press "Go..." button shown highlighted by the red box in the image above and you will get a window like below. Check the "CoolProp" add-In so it will be automatically loaded each time you open excel.
It is done...
This is a demo after installation of add-in (see equation in equation bar). You can use cell references instead of direct values for sure.
and this is a snapshot after I have implemented this add-in in my Ref Analysis add-in
1.2. Comparison with EES:
1.2.1 Fluid properties
For real fluids the following are the available properties in EES and CoolProp (units displayed are as displayed in EES):
Property name
Accentric factor
Conductivity [W/m.K]
Cp [kJ/kg.K]
Cv [kJ/kg.K]
Density [kg/m3]
Dipole [debye]
Ek_Lj [K]
Enthalpy [kJ/kg.K]
Entropy [kJ/kg.K]
Fugacity [kPa]
IntEnergy [kJ/kg]
isIdealGas [-]
MolarMass [kg/kmol]
P_crit [kPa]
P_sat [kPa]
Prandtl [-]
Pressure [kPa]
Quality [-]
Sigma_LJ [m]
SoundSpeed [m/s]
SpecHeat [kJ/kg.K]
SurfaceTension [N/m]
T_crit [C]
T_triple [C]
Temperature [C]
V_crit [m3/kg]
Viscosity [kg/m.s]
VolExpCoef [1/K]
Volume [m3/kg]
1.2.2 Reference state
The reference state used in CoolProp is International Institute of Refrigeration IIR reference which assumes that the specific enthalpy of saturated liquid fluid Q=0 at 0 C equals 200 kJ/kg and the specific entropy at the same conditions equals 1 kJ/kg.K . From the other side EES uses three reference states IIR, Normal Boiling Point NBP, and ASHRAE, but they can be manually-correlated by adding constants in CoolProp.
1.2.3 Properties abbreviations (names) in CoolProp
Property name
Properties CoolProp codes
Thermal conductivity
Specific enthalpy
Specific entropy
Internal energy
Molar mass
Critical pressure
Sound speed
Gibbs function
Surface tension
Critical temperature
Triple temperature
Triple pressure
Minimum temperature
Ozone depletion potential
Dynamic Viscosity
Later, I will update this post and illustrate the notations, units.
Thanks a lot Eng. Shady of this very useful blog.
Thank you. I was searching for the Coolprop default reference state for h, s but could not find it in their documentation.